SNG News

how to find work in Japan

Baito and part-time job: how to find work in Japan

Part-time jobs in Japan are truly abundant. However, they usually require a solid knowledge of Japanese. If your Japanese is still weak, English can make the difference. International restaurants and language schools are usually looking for staff capable of speaking English as well as other languages. There are also several websites posting job offers targeting […]

Hanko. A seal as a signature in Japan

Hanko & Inkan. A seal as a signature in Japan

In Japan, an inkan or a hanko corresponds to a signature. This signature is actually replaced by a seal on which the name of a person or company is engraved. This seal is used for most of the legal acts and contracts involving its owner. An inkan is necessary for every Japanese citizen and any […]

Share houses in Japan: rent a room in Tokyo

Share houses in Japan: rent a room in Tokyo

Whether you’d like to be in a double room, individual room or in a dormitory, Tokyo offers many housing options. To rent a room of this type in the centre of Tokyo, allow at least ¥ 75,000/month. This price usually covers the rent of a furnished room in a shared apartment as well as common […]

zairyu-card-residence card in Japan

How to obtain the Japanese residence card?

The residence card is mandatory for anyone who intends to remain in Japan longer than the period of stay authorised with a tourist visa. It is used as an ID-card in the Japanese administration system. The residence card will be required for most of the procedures that you will need to complete within the first […]

Press release

NACJE Speech Contest

Every year, the National Association of Colleges for Japanese Education (NACJE or 全国専門学校日本語教育協会 in Japanese) organises a speech contest where students from the members schools can participate. This year, the contest took place on February 15th at Bunka-gakuen, in Tokyo, with 14 participants. Jim Lan, one of Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute’s students, participated and won […]

Work and study in Japan on a WHV. live in japan, study japanese language with SNG

Shichifukujin: the Seven Luck Gods (七福神)

In Japan, New Year usually starts off by paying a visit to the shrine (or temple dedicated to someone or something), to pray for good fortune. Most people only go to one shrine, but those who want to ensure good luck for the upcoming year can visit more than one… And the Shichifukujin pilgrimage is […]

Work and study in Japan on a WHV. live in japan, study japanese language with SNG

Work & study in Japan on a Working Holiday Visa

If you want to study and work in Japan with a WHV: – You are allowed to work in Japan with a WHV – Income from this activity should only be complementary – WHV holders are not allowed to take part in some specific professional activities (See list) – Violating these rules will lead to […]

Working Holiday Visa

How to obtain a Working Holiday Visa for Japan

In order to obtain a Working Holiday Visa for Japan, you have to consider the following: Rules apply to all applicants You cannot be accompanied by a dependent (spouse or children) You have to possess a valid passport You have to possess a return/onward travel ticket or sufficient funds in order to purchase such a […]

Work in Japan with a student visa

How to obtain a student visa for Japan?

Do you feel ready to embark on your Japanese language journey? Have you already found your Japanese language school in Japan or your university? That is great! However, do not forget to apply for your Student Visa. This document is essential, if you’d like to stay longer in the land of the rising sun than […]

Tokyo Keizai University Guidance Seminar 2018

Tokyo Keizai University Guidance Seminar 2018

Tokyo Keizai University came to SNG on August 23rd, where the head of their International Relations Department gave a detailed introduction of the school for our students. This weekend, they will be holding an Open Campus, so please pay them a visit! You can learn more about the school and their programs, and you’ll get […]