SNG News


Short Course participant enrollment

Short Course participant enrollment begins! Spaces are now being filled for our Short Course coming this summer, 2015. Each year this program attracts students from around the world seeking to explore Japan, have unique experiences, while you enjoy LEARNING JAPANESE. If you have a drive to study Japanese and culture, or are an explorer at […]


Let’s make hina dolls!

Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute will host an origami event for Hinamatsuri! Hinamatsuri is a festival when we display hina dolls and pray for young girls’ growth and happiness. Why not make hina dolls and celebrate Hinamatsuri? The details are as follows. Date: February 27 Time: 14:00-15:30 Place: Common room, Bld. 1 How to apply: apply […]


Participants for April & July 2015 courses

Participants wanted for courses starting in April and July 2015 We’re currently looking for participants for April & July 2015 courses. Those who possess a short-term visa or other visas such as spouse visa, family-related visa and work permit etc., will be able to begin their course from the beginning of April or July 2015. […]

ski event

Ski & Snowboard tour 2015

Shinjuku Japanese Language School will host a ski & snowboard event in March. If you are interested, make sure to sign for it soon! Details are as follows. Date: March 22 – 24, 2015 Location: Kaneyama town, Fukushima Price: 29,000 JPY The above price includes the following: round trip fare, ski/snowboard lesson, accommodation, meals and […]


Multicultural Disaster Prevention Festa

Shinjuku ward will host a multicultural disaster prevention festa as stated below. If you want to know how to learn disaster management, don’t miss this opportunity! Date: February 7, 2015 Time: 10 AM- 3PM. This event will be cancelled in case of rain. Place: Shinjuku Okubo Park (2-43 Kabukichou) Disaster prevention corner (earthquake simulation truck, […]

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Information session on visa extension

Information session on visa extension For those who wish to extend their student visa, please make sure to attend one of the following sessions. 【For those who will go onto higher education in April 2015】 Day: January 20 Time: 12:50 Location: Room 121, 1st Bld. 【For those who will continue studying at our school】 Day: […]


Seven Lucky Gods Tour

The Shichi (seven) Fuku (luck) jin (beings) meguri (tour) is a short pilgrimage tour to visit temples and shrines of the Seven Lucky Gods. It is usually done during Oshougatsu, the beginning of the year and people wish for happiness and good fortune in the New Year. Date: January 17, 2015 Meeting time: 9:30AM Meeting place: in […]


Seven Lucky Gods Tour

Event Report: Seven Lucky Gods Tour On January 17, four SNG staff members and twenty-three students participated in Seven Lucky Gods tour in Asakusa. The tour began at 9:30 in the morning in Takadanobaba, and all the participants headed to Taharamachi station. 学生23名と教員・事務担当者4名が参加し、浅草七福神巡りを実施しました。 うららかな冬晴れの中、朝9時半に高田馬場で集合し、東京メトロで出発点の田原町駅へ。 福禄寿を祀る矢先神社、寿老人を祀る鷲神社、弁財天を祀る吉原神社、福禄寿を祀る今戸神社、 毘沙門天を祀る待乳山聖天を回り、最後に恵比寿を祀る浅草神社をお参りしました。 途中、手水舎での身の清め方、各神社の成り立ち、七福神の意味や起源など、学生たちは興味深げに色々な質問をしていました。 別のクラスの学生たちとも知り合いになるとても良い機会でした。皆さんにご利益がありますように! seven-lucky-gods-tour



GRAND SUMO TOURNAMENT! Date : February 8, 2015 (Sun.) Time : AM11:00 〜 PM5:30 Place : Ryogoku Kokugikan (Sumo Hall) Meeting Time and Place: ①People who want to watch the tournament from opening ceremony. We will meet up at the outside of the West gate of Ryogoku sta. (JR Sobu line) at 10:45 AM ②People who want […]


Hokkaido Homestay Program

Now we are looking for Hokkaido homestay participants! This is a one of the most popular homestay programs throughout a year, so do not miss it! You can enjoy famous “Sapporo Snow Festival”. The details are as follows. Dates: February 10, 2015 – February 5, 2015 Participation fee: 80,000 JPY Application deadline: 15:00, December 5, […]