October 2015 & April 2016 Applications

July & October 2016 Admission Application is now open !
Short-term visa or other Japanese visa (spouse visa, family-related visa and work permit) holders are eligible to apply for our 3 month course starting in July or October.
Student visa applicants are eligible to apply for our 1, 1.5 or 2 year course starting in October 2016.
Our 1 year course will grant the certification of Jyunbi Kyouiku Katei, which allows students who have not completed 12 years of education in their home country to study at a Japanese university.
For more details, please see The Application Guide.
We also offer various other courses such as JLPT Preparatory Course, Sunday Course and Evening Course.
For further inquiry, please contact us!
Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute
2-9-7 Takadanobaba Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0075
Tel: 03-5273-0044