Japanese martial arts event

This popular Japanese martial arts event is held every year, and this year is no exception!
With the cooperation of Totsuka police station, you’ll be able to experience traditional martial arts
(such as Iaido, Aikido and Goshinjyutsu) in this event.

Day: 24 October, 2012

Time: 13:30 – 15:30

Meeting time and place: Meet us at 13:15 in Room 111 (Building 1) or at 13:20 in Room 321 (Building 3).
Please note that you cannot participate in this event if you are late.

Application: Apply at the office in Building 1 or 3.


☆ Students need to apply in advance in order to participate in this event.
☆ Do not take pictures inside the police station other than the dojo.
☆ Do not enter anywhere else other than the dojo.
☆ Do not be late – otherwise you’ll miss the event!