Graduate destinations

In recent years, approx. 70% of graduates of Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute continue on to higher education. Our students have been accepted to a number of top Japanese universities this year,
and here are some of the schools to which students have been accepted:

【Waseda University】
・Politics Science and Economics
・International Liberal Studies
・Science and Engineering (Graduate school)
・Japanese Language(Graduate school)
・Asia-Pacific Studies(Graduate school)

【Meiji University】
・Business Administration

【Chuo University】
・Commercial Science

【Komazawa University】
・Business Administration

【Senshu University】
・Business Administration

【Ritsumeikan University】

【Rikkyo University】
・Business Administration

Congratulations to those who have been accepted!
And if you need some help regarding your life after graduation, please do not hesitate to
contact one of the SNG higher education counsellors.

☆Counselling sessions☆

Guidance counseling is offered to all students, whether they are interested in continuing on to higher education or looking to obtain employment. Counsellors are available for 30-minute consultations Monday through Friday from 10:00 to 17:00. The sessions are free, and students may meet with counselors as many times as necessary. Please reserve a time-slot in advance by entering your student number into the computers available at the Building 1 and Building 3 offices. At the appointed time, please come to the counselling room.