During Golden Week, from 1st to 5th May, our school of japanese in Tokyo (SNG) held special classes.
The first 3 days started with fun kanji learning by our principal, followed by a conversation class and a Japanese culture lesson on the last day, where students practiced calligraphy while making their original fans and eating «kashiwamochi».
What’s Golden Week meaning in Japan ?
But do you know what is Golden Week ? This is the name given to a week composed of 4 official holidays in Japan. Massively followed by japanese population who profits then of numerous of consecutives days off to take some holidays, Golden week is the celebration of 4 events. Showa no Hi (昭和の日) on the 29th of April ; Constitution Memorial Day (憲法記念日) on the 3rd of May ; Greenery Day (憲法記念日) on the 4th of May and Children’s Day (こどもの日) on the 5th of May.
Children’s day in Takadanobaba
Historically the day of boys, it has since become the day of all children. around this day, many carps appear in the streets, houses, or here, in Takadanobaba, over the river near SNG. A black one for the head of the household, a red for the mother and the others to represent the children.