School Announcements

<b>Mt. Fuji Bus Tour – Participants Wanted!</b>

A popular event every year, this year’s Mt. Fuji bus tour has been scheduled! The tour will visit the Springs of Mt. Fuji, Lake Kawaguchi, the 5th Station of Mt. Fuji, and include grape-picking. Please come with your friends and classmates. Let’s all enjoy autumn in Japan! Details are as follows. Day: September 20, 2011 […]

Japanese Language Lecture Series at the Japanese Brazilian Center Educational Institute

The Principal’s Japanese Language Lecture Series (the 5th of 10 sessions) was held at the Japanese Brazilian Center Educational Institute in Gunma Prefecture on Saturday, July 30th. The participants lined up “jyuubako cards” to create example sentences. They received practical guidance on how to lead students with easy-to-understand methods. Although they understood how to use […]

Guidance Counselling Session at the Japanese Brazilian Center Educational Institute

A guidance counseling session for junior high and high school students was held at the Japanese Brazilian Center Educational Institute in Gunma Prefecture on Saturday, July 30th. Upon request, Head Guidance Counsellor Takeshi Yoshizawa and Principal Ezoe spent around two hours talking to Brazilian students of Japanese descent about continuing on to technical schools and […]

August Beginners Course Participants Wanted!

SNG’s August short-term beginners course has begun. Classes take place weekday mornings, with free afternoons or optional Japanese cultural activities. Term: August 1 (Mon) – August 26 (Fri), 2011 Fee: 70,000 JPY breakdown: registration fee – 15,000 JPY tuition – 55,000 JPY (tuition includes material fees) Extracurricular activities: wind chime-making, brush calligraphy, anime creation lesson, […]

Amacho Homestay Participants Wanted!

We are currently accepting applications for the annual Amacho Homestay. Students will participate in the local festival focused on the “Kinya Monya” regional folk song. The festival is followed by fireworks. When: August 25 (Mon) – 29 (Thurs), 2011 Where: Amacho, Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture Participants: 10 Fee: 50,000 JPY *does not include transportation to […]

2011 Japan Expo Event Report

We’re just back from the Japan Expo, a Japanese cultural fair held every year in Paris. This was the 12th year for the annual event. At the Japan Expo, attendees can enjoy traditional Japanese culture and pop culture, food, clothing, music, and more. Anime, manga, and games are especially popular. There were also attendees who […]

Trainees Visit From Brazil

On Thursday, July 7th, a group of 21 Brazilians led by Ms. Tsuribe came to train at our school. The group consisted of eight teachers and fourteen students. They attended Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute for three days: July 7th (Thurs), 8th (Fri), and 10th (Sun). The teachers participated in the principal’s teaching methods class, while […]

Vietnam and Thailand Study Abroad Fairs

SNG recently participated in the study abroad fair jointly sponsored by the Tokyo Senshu Gakko Gakushu Gakko Kyokai (Tokyo Vocational School Association) and Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education. The fair was held in Hanoi, Vietnam on June 18, and in Ho Chi Minh on June 19. 582 people attended the Hanoi event, […]

The President’s Golden-Rayed Lilies

Without anyone knowing, the President planted golden-rayed lily bulbs in the flower beds. Now the flowers have blossomed and the wonderful scent of lilies is filling the air. This is a picture we took this morning. The famous casa blanca lily variety was created from the golden-rayed lily. This fall, the President will celebrate his […]

Tanabata Decoration Event

The Tanabata decoration event was held on July 7. Students enthusiastically made decorations during both the morning and afternoon sessions. They created Vega, Altair, stars, and the Milky Way out of origami and wrote their wishes on strips of paper. From the serious “I wish to get accepted to my first-choice university” and “I wish […]